Tuesday, 25 June 2013


W.Isles: WHITE-THROATED NEEDLETAIL still on Harris at Tarbert on south side viewable from cliff above harbour at 6.30pm.SWIFT MEGA PIC
Here's a link to photographs that can not be beaten:http://joshrjones.blogspot.co.uk/ TODAYS NEWS:26/6/2013. Incredibly sad news that the White-throated Needletail has been picked up dead after apparently colliding with a wind-turbine.I have just received these pictures from David k Campbell who is on the western isles twitching the White-throated needletail and was sadly watching the bird when it flown into the wind turbine.(A VERY SAD SIGHT).The fate of the swift as also gone national on radio & tv here's a radio link:Needletail swift
Some more great info on the swift with one of london's top blogs:Devilbirders blog

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